Cloxten - The Clock Extension Tool

       Date format (YYYY-MM-DD);
       + Added;
       - Removed;
       * Changes.


     Changes in version 0.1.7 Pre-Alpha:
     Release: 1
     Date: 2003-09-19

     1) Wizard form:
        * Fully implemented, including help texts and integration with the rest
	  of the code.
	+ Added status panel, with simple texts at this moment.
	+ Added CheckBox14 that implements the option to skip copyright notice,
	  for older users.

     2) Strings:
        + All "translatables" strings of Cloxten binary (not Doctor Doc yet)
	were placed in a single file (cloxten/strings/strings.pas).
	- cloxten/locale.pas removed.

     3) DrDoc:
        + Added Wizard form help text.

     4) Bugfixed - Wizard form welcome text corrected.


     Changes in version 0.1.6 Pre-Alpha:
     Release: 2
     Date: 2003-04-02

     1) * Bugfixed - Update function:
	  WGET_BIN variable post-declared causing exception or erroneous report.
	  In certain conditions the program will ALWAYS report that new version
	  is already in use. It occurs if a file with old information is cached.
	  This release corrects these bugs.


     Changes in version 0.1.6 Pre-Alpha:
     Release: 1
     Date: 2003-03-03

     1) + Locales support started.
          (Not finished yet. Instructions will be posted later)
     2) - No external program is searched on Cloxten start up anymore.
     4) + 'Settings -> Paths -> Internet' tab in Control Window was posted
          without components hints. Fixed.
     5) * Configuration directory can be diferent from '.cloxten' now.
     6) * Constants 'Version', 'Release' and 'DevelStat' centrilized in file
     7) * Changes were made to determine when user is running a CVS version or
          a released one. This corrects some bugs in 'Check for new version'
     8) * As usually some minor bugs wre fixed too.


     Changes in version 0.1.5 Pre-Alpha:
     Release: 2
     Date: 2002-10-23

     1) * Bugfixe: 'cloxten/net.pas' file.
          Wget binary PATH not assigned to WGET_BINARY variable but absoluty
          PATH '/usr/bin/wget'.
     2) * Bugfixe: Main Window.
          Problem with Counter activation when time increment previously set 
	  to minute.


     Changes in version 0.1.5 Pre-Alpha:
     Release: 1
     Date: 2002-10-14

     1) + Added Wizard Form.
     2) + Added Log Form. A simple one (in this version) for update function
          failure report.
     3) * Correction: Refresh of StatusBar1 texts in Main Window for Popup Menu
                      when Sender is Form2.
     4) * Correction: Form2.StatusBar1 visible when it should not be.
     5) + Support for a pre-configured browser to open online pages.
        + If no one set, ask user for.
     6) + Cloxten will try to auto detect external programs at start up.
     7) * 'cloxten' shell script searches for 'cloxten.bin' in user PATH.
     8) + Check for online Cloxten updates - (Gnu Wget is required).
     9) * Correction: Doctor Doc text for main window (short cuts).
     10) + Add Loki Setup installer for targz'ed package.
           ('' file is required.
	    See '').
     11) * Move Cloxten setup shell script to '' (targz'ed package).
     12) + Added required libraries RPM packages.
     13) + Added Debian packages (all files).
     14) + Added Cloxten building shell scripts (various distros) in source
           targz'ed package.


     Changes in version 0.1.4 Pre-Alpha:
     Date: 2002-07-15

     1) DoctorDoc - README text correction for Cloxten (version mistake).
     2) Main Window:
        * Popup Menu auto restore itens state after 'EnableBody' procedure.
     3) Control Window:
        * Tab order correction;
	+ Added Dialog Box to alert user when 'Stop before leave', in 'Play file'
	  function, and 'Quit Cloxten after done', in General Settings, are
	  concomitantly checked, giving a chance to correct it or not.
	* Correction in 'Play file' function: Button 'Browse' and
	  checkbox 'Stop before leave' in 'Actions -> Basic -> Events' were
	  enable at startup, even when checkbox 'Sound' wasn't.
	* Correction in 'Send a message'function: If Mail function is disabled,
	  the RadioButton 'Send a message' in 'Actions -> Advanced -> Tasks' is
	  unchecked, even if it has a message correctly composed. Now it's just
	  disabled while configuration is not saved.
	* Better checking in audio configuration,
	  (but it's still not OK. When added an audio file, its extension is
	  checked with possibles players in 'Settings -> Paths -> Audio' before
	  it can be accept, however, if user changes audio configuration, the
	  file could not be played. The program must check it, but don't yet).
	* COPYING, NO WARRANT, ABOUT pages visible at any time.
     4) Main Window and Control Window:
        * At startup, when configured to start with 12hs time mode, the 'PM'
	  option never starts automatically. Now it's OK.
     5) Other files and components:
        * Better checking in version control.
	* Correction for 'Exception' on retrieving configuration of a corrupted
	  configuration file.


     Changes in version 0.1.3 Pre-Alpha:
     Date: 2002-06-26

     1) 'Play file' function:
        + Music function activated;
	+ Suport to play MPEG, OGG, WAVE, MIDI audio files;

     2) 'Settings -> Paths' tab in control window:
        + Paths to commandline programs to be used by Cloxten.

     3) ShortCuts (Main Form):
        + Ctrl+K  -->  Stop an audio file execution.
	               See README for limitations reports.

     4) Oldies versions compatibility.
        + Autodetectation of previous Cloxten version installed. Try to
	  read the old configuration file and ask for open 'control window'
	  for a chance to enable features that was not present in last used

     5) Others less important changes.


     Changes in version 0.1.2 Pre-Alpha:
     Date: 2002-05-12

     1) Send message function:
        + Mail Form;
        + Mail Form Help;

     2) TODO list (new):
	+ Preview actions and tasks before execute them.

     3) ShortCuts (Main Form):
        + F1      -->  Help
        + F2      -->  Shows "To Do List" (new)
        + F3      -->  Exit
        + F4      -->  Open Control Window
        + F5      -->  Toggle enable/disable popup menu
        + Ctrl+A  -->  Change to Alarm Mode
        + Ctrl+C  -->  Change to Counter Mode

     4) ShortCuts (Control Form & Mail Form):
        + F1      -->  Help

     5) Presentation:
        + On first user contact with program, Cloxten will display Copyright,
          Disclaimer (no warranty) and About notices.

     6) Cloxten startup script:
     	- Cloxten '-d' arg is now optional. Cloxten will use the user home 
	  directory by default to place its hidden directory '.cloxten'. 
	  The arg '-d' was not removed, you can use it to place the config 
	  directory in other point of files tree.

     6) Doctor Doc:
        * Help new look.

     7) Others less important changes.


     Changes in version 0.1.1 Pre-Alpha:
     Date: 2002-03-29

     * Wrong hour convertion bug fixed:

        When in Time Mode, the auto convertion 24hs/12hs from version 0.1
        has a bug. All times with 10:XX and 11:XX, when chenged from 24hs
        to 12hs will display 07:XX PM. As the system time is checked in
        24hs, times in 12hs needs to be internally converted to get the
        real time. So, when the user starts the alarm process with one of
        this time in 12hs, it will be reconverted with error. The internal
        "Base Time" will be correct, but the LCD will display the wrong one.

     * Changes on data file:

        To improve the config file access and set a future version control,
        some changes were done in data.pas file.

     Alberto Lohmann