
The Clock Extension Tool








Required Libraries

Cloxten needs some shared objects to be executed. Files in this page are NOT copyrighted by Cloxten project. They are third-party softwares. You can use them under certain conditions, that will be showed to you at download time.


Kylix 2 Distributables needed for cloxten:



  • Qt Library:
    • Qt is a product of Trolltech (see http://www.trolltech.com ).
    • Source for this library can be found here
    • If you are running KDE 2, you probably don't need this file.
    • Most Linux Distributions release pre-compiled packages of Qt Library. Check with your Linux vendor the availability of this file.
  • Qt Interface Library:
    • Note for developers: Kylix distribution doesn't come with a 'Runtime Library Makefile' for Qt Library Interface. However, there is an open source project named FreeCLX related with it at


      Unfortunately, it's not updated for a long time. Cloxten was tested with latest FreeCLX release (, but fails to be executed. So, it's recommended to use the pre-compiled Kylix library found in this Cloxten page.

Cloxten © 2002-2003 Alberto Lohmann

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Cloxten is Free Software . It can be freely used, modified and distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence .